Can I add my girlfriend to my employer health insurance?

Can I add my girlfriend to my employer health insurance?

Since there is no legal financial obligation between yourself and your girlfriend, she cannot be added to most health insurance policies. Even if the law does not recognize common law marriage, you may be able to add your girlfriend as a domestic partner if your health insurer allows.

Are domestic partners covered under health insurance?

Domestic partner health insurance is when health insurance benefits are extended to a domestic partner, much like they often are to married spouses. Generally, this benefit will also extend to the domestic partner’s children. Note that private employers do not have to offer health insurance to any employees.

Do most companies cover domestic partners?

It’s important to note that companies are not required by federal law to provide domestic partner benefits even if they offer coverage to married couples, but some states and municipalities do mandate that businesses offer coverage to unmarried couples.

Can a company offer domestic partner health insurance?

Most very large companies have self-funded plans, which are regulated by federal laws. Even without mandates, a growing number of employers extend employee benefits coverage to domestic partners.

Can a company provide pre tax benefits to domestic partners?

Employers Unable to Provide Pre-Tax Benefits to Domestic Partners Providing pre-tax benefits to employees is an important component of the attraction and retention programs of many companies. But under federal law, an employer can provide pre-tax health insurance benefits only to their employees’ spouses or dependents, not domestic partners.

Do you need an affidavit for domestic partner coverage?

When you add domestic partner coverage to your benefit program, the employee and his or her domestic partner must meet certain eligibility criteria. An affidavit is a means by which you may confirm that these eligibility requirements are met.

Do you have to provide health insurance to an unmarried partner?

If a company’s health insurance plan permits employees’ unmarried partners to be covered and an employee is not married but in a committed relationship, the employer has to provide health insurance benefits on a post-tax basis.