Does Duskblade work with abilities?

Does Duskblade work with abilities?

Duskblade of Draktharr’s mythic passive can grant up to 25 ability haste with 5 other Legendary items.

What is Deaths dance good for?

Death’s Dance is a truly unique effect that provides an even more unique fantasy: someone marked for death, doing everything they can to keep going beyond their final moments.

How much damage does electrocute do?

Hitting a champion with 3 unique attacks or abilities within 3 seconds deals bonus adaptive damage. Damage: 30-180 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) bonus damage.

How strong is death dance?

League of Legends Death’s Dance is a Legendary item that costs 325 Gold. This item is 95.16% gold efficient based on its 15 Ability Haste, 40 Armor, 50 Attack Damage Stats. You will see Death’s Dance often built on Top Lane & AD Carry champions.

Does Duskblade work on Senna?

Despite Senna being a Marksman, her attack speed ratios are low. Attack speed items won’t be as effective on her as it would on any other Marksman. Senna scales incredibly well with Lethality, so items like Duskblade and Youmuu’s Ghostblade synergize very well with her kit.

Is Duskblade a mythic?

League of Legends Duskblade of Draktharr is a Mythic item that costs 1000 Gold. This item is 79.64% gold efficient based on its 20 Ability Haste, 55 Attack Damage Stats.

Does deaths dance still heal?

League of Legends (LoL) Item: Death’s Dance UNIQUE Passive: Champion takedowns remove Ignore Pain’s remaining stored damage, and heal you for 15% of your maximum health over 2 seconds.

What item counters deaths dance?

Death’s Dance is a perfect “avoid-being-killed” item and there is no way to counter.

Is electrocute AP or AD?

AP ratio reduced to 25% AP from 30% AP. Cooldown reduced to 25 − 20 (based on level) seconds from 50 − 25 (based on level).

What is dark harvest?

Damaging a low-health champion deals bonus damage and harvests their soul, permanently increasing the damage of future procs. Base damage decreased.

Is deaths dance good on Darius?

Often built on Attack Damage champions such as Camille and Darius, this is due to the +300 Max Health +35 Attack Damage +15 Ability Haste stats you receive from the Death’s Dance in Wild Rift. …

Is Senna better ADC or support?

As a bot laner, Senna wins 50.46% of her games while only winning 48,47% as support. This is a significant difference, making support Senna a fairly bad pick in most situations. It’s therefore a fair conclusion to say that Senna is most viable as an ADC in the current meta.