How is the presence of hazardous materials detected?

How is the presence of hazardous materials detected?

The presence of hazardous materials can always be detected by the sense of smell. 21. A person works every day with a toxic substance, but does not take protective measures. The individual will experience what type of exposure?

What are sensory clues to presence of hazardous materials in water?

1. Sensory clues to the possible presence of hazardous materials in water include: 2. When treating a household incident involving exposure to a poison, your most reliable source of advice and expertise is: 3. Which of the following correctly identifies the four ‘routes of entry’ for toxic substances into the body:

What makes a hazardous material a hazardous substance?

The material reacts with water D. The material is radioactive B. The material can easily release oxygen to create or worsen a fire or explosion hazard 5. The chemical agent or hazardous material that interferes with the body’s ability to transfer oxygen to the cells is: 6.

What makes a hazardous material explode on contact with air?

The material will explode on contact with air B. The material can easily release oxygen to create or worsen a fire or explosion hazard C. The material reacts with water D. The material is radioactive B. The material can easily release oxygen to create or worsen a fire or explosion hazard 5.

What do you need to know about hazmat 5A?

To assist in the disposal of household hazardous waste C. To provide the skills, knowledge, and technical equipment needed to offensively handle hazardous materials incidents D. To inspect buildings where hazardous chemicals are used or manufactured

What are sensory clues to the presence of hazardous materials in water?

Sensory clues to the possible presence of hazardous materials in water include: All of these When treating a household incident involving exposure to a poison, your most reliable source of advice and expertise is: The product’s label Which of the following correctly identifies the four ‘routes of entry’ for toxic substances into the body:

What is the purpose of a hazmat flashcard?

C. To provide the skills, knowledge, and technical equipment needed to offensively handle hazardous materials incidents D. To inspect buildings where hazardous chemicals are used or manufactured C. To provide the skills, knowledge, and technical equipment needed to offensively handle hazardous materials incidents 2.