How long does it take for a scapholunate ligament tear to heal?

How long does it take for a scapholunate ligament tear to heal?

These injuries are usually considered as ligament sprains where one or 2 parts of this 3 part ligament is injured, but there is no instability in the wrist. They respond well to a period of immobilization in plaster (4-6 weeks) followed by analgesia and hand therapy. Recovery can take up to 18 months.

What happens after scapholunate ligament surgery?

You will be in a cast for 4- 6 weeks at which time you will return to the office for follow up. Once your cast has been removed you will be transitioned into a removable splint and occupational therapy will be initiated. Full functional recovery takes approximately 3- 4 months.

How do I strengthen my scapholunate ligament?

With forearm supported on table and wrist over With hand flat on table, slide hand side. the edge, lift hand up with fingers resting in a Repeat 8 – 10 times, 3 – 4 times per day. fist, and then relax hand down with fingers open. Repeat 8 – 10 times, 3 – 4 times per day.

What is the strongest portion of the scapholunate ligament?

The scapholunate ligament is an intraarticular ligament binding the scaphoid and lunate bones of the wrist together. It is divided into three areas, dorsal, proximal and palmar, with the dorsal segment being the strongest part.

What is a positive Watson test?

A truly positive test requires both pain on the back of the wrist (not just where you are pressing on the scaphoid tuberosity), and comparison with the opposite wrist is essential.”

What does a scapholunate ligament tear feel like?

Signs and Symptoms A wrist with an injured scapholunate ligament is often swollen and painful, especially with certain motions. You may also see the following symptoms: Pain when bending the wrist backward. Limited range of motion.

What happens after wrist ligament surgery?

After surgery the wrist will be immobilized in a plastic cast or splint for several or more weeks. Patients are instructed to keep the wrist elevated to reduce swelling and pain and to improve their ultimate flexibility. Antibiotics and other medications may be prescribed to reduce pain and aid recovery.

Can a Scapholunate ligament tear heal on its own?

A scapholunate torn ligament does not heal on its own. If left untreated, a torn ligament typically leads to arthritis over time. This is because the bones of the wrist are no longer held in normal alignment. The goals of treatment are to decrease pain and prevent arthritis.

Is the scapholunate ligament part of the carpal joint?

The scapholunate (SL) ligament (SLL) is the most commonly injured carpal ligament. The SLL is C-shaped and has three structurally distinct parts: volar; membranous; and dorsal (Fig. 1). The dorsal part of the SLL is the strongest and the primary stabiliser of the SL joint and can resist forces of up to 260 N.

What special test indicates a scapholunate ligament injury?

The scaphoid shift test is a provocative maneuver used to examine the dynamic stability of the scaphoid and reproduce a patient’s symptoms. It is used to diagnose scapholunate interosseous ligament instability (SLIL).