What is a Web-enhanced course?

What is a Web-enhanced course?

Web-Enhanced Courses are face-to-face courses that use any form of electronic media to post information, deliver content, provide learning resources, and foster student interaction outside the classroom.

What are enhanced courses?

Enhanced Courses are an excellent option for students who want to receive additional accountability and interaction with teachers as they complete their assignments. These courses can help prepare your student for college by offering an even more rigorous high school education.

What does Web mean LBCC?

The Fully Online and Hybrid courses are also known as Distance Learning Courses. The Web-Enhanced courses are regular Face-to-Face classes in which your instructor uses online tools (like our LMS) as additional resources for students.

What is LEC distance learning?

Distance education is defined as instruction in which the instructor and students are separated by distance and interact online within the college’s course management system (CMS).

What is a web based class?

An Internet/web-based course is any course in which students may complete more than 50% of the requirements through Internet access to the course web site.

What is the difference between hybrid and web-enhanced classes?

Hybrid courses combine both an online and classroom component. Web-enhanced classes are traditional synchronous courses that provide 100 percent of class instruction in a traditional classroom setting.

What is Enhancement Program?

The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP) is a one-semester program offering first-year students the opportunity to learn and practice academic habits associated with success in college. The program assists students in developing college study habits, academic focus and improvement in reading and writing skills.

What is Eops college?

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded program that aims to help low-income and educationally disadvantaged students succeed in college. EOPS provides academic counseling and other supportive services to assist students while they attend Cañada College.

What type of college is LBCC?

Private Bible college
Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School (LBC | Capital) is a private Bible college, seminary, and graduate school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania….Lancaster Bible College.

Former names Lancaster School of the Bible (1933–1973), Lancaster Bible College & Graduate School (1996–2016)
Type Private Bible college
Established 1933

What do you call modular and online learning?

Distance Learning. This refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction.

What does Web mean in college?

Web supplemented means that the course will have some projects done on the web or through D2L but will have a class each week on campus. Blended/Hybrid means some of your class will be completed through D2L and some will be completed on the campus.