What is a word for very serious?

What is a word for very serious?

adjective. severe, acute, critical, dangerous. important, crucial, fateful, grim, momentous, no laughing matter, pressing, significant, urgent, worrying. solemn, grave, humorless, sober, unsmiling. sincere, earnest, genuine, honest, in earnest.

What is another word for Sol?

What is another word for Sol?

sun star
Helios luminary
Phoebus sphere
Apollo daystar
Ra Phoebus Apollo

What is the word for clearly expressed?

precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication. synonyms: explicit definite. precise; explicit and clearly defined. denotative, denotive.

What is a solemn expression?

English Language Learners Definition of solemn : very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression. : sad and serious. : done or made sincerely.

How do you describe seriousness?

Seriousness is a quality of being calmly intent, or serious. Sometimes seriousness implies a bit of worry, like when you ask about the seriousness of your grandmother’s health problems. The noun seriousness comes from an adjective, serious, with a Latin root, serius, which means “weighty, important, or grave.”

What is the same meaning of seriously?

Frequently Asked Questions About serious Some common synonyms of serious are earnest, grave, sedate, sober, solemn, and staid. While all these words mean “not light or frivolous,” serious implies a concern for what really matters.

Whats does Sol mean?

Solar day
Sol is a NASA term for Solar day and is essentially used by the planetary scientists. It refers to the time that it takes for Mars to revolve once around its own axis. The solar day on Earth is slightly shorter because the Mars orbit around the sun requires it to turn a bit further on the axis.

What does Sol acronym mean?

Acronym. Definition. SOL. Sadly Outta Luck (polite form)

What is another word for clearly defined?

certainly, plainly, undoubtedly, obviously, openly, definitely, surely, distinctly, precisely, apparently, evidently, positively, seemingly, acutely, decidedly, indubitably, markedly, purely, sharply, audibly.

How do you say make it easier?

synonyms for make easier

  1. abate.
  2. aid.
  3. allay.
  4. ameliorate.
  5. appease.
  6. assist.
  7. assuage.
  8. calm.