What letters do National Insurance numbers start with?

What letters do National Insurance numbers start with?

The prefix is simply two letters that are allocated to each new series of NI number. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is currently issuing new NI numbers with prefixes starting with P and S, e.g. PL, PM, PN and SG, SH, SJ, etc.

What is NI category letter?

A National Insurance category letter is used by an employer to help calculate how much National Insurance they and the employee need to pay. The category is not related to the National Insurance number; it is not the final letter as is sometimes mistakenly assumed.

How does National Insurance number look like?

NIM39110 – National Insurance Numbers (NINOs): Format and Security: What a NINO looks like. A NINO is made up of 2 letters, 6 numbers and a final letter, which is always A, B, C, or D. This is an example only and should not be used as an actual number.

What NI category should I use for a 20 year old?

Categories A, J, D and L are still valid for employees who are 21 and over. Note: For employees under 16 years old, you should continue to use NI category A. If you employ people under 21 years of age, you should ensure that you change their NI category.

How is employers NI worked?

Contributions are worked out from their annual earnings rather than from what they earn in each pay period. The actual calculation of NICs for employees is done using contribution tables that are given to your employer by HMRC. The amount payable is based on gross earnings between an upper and lower limit.

What does the last letter on NI number mean?

The suffix letter is either A, B, C, or D. Until 1975, the suffixes A, B, C and D at the end of the NI number signified the period of validity of the National Insurance cards originally used to collect National Insurance contributions (NICs).

What is the format for a National Insurance number?

The format of the number is two prefix letters, six digits and one suffix letter. The example used is typically QQ123456C . Neither of the first two letters can be D, F, I, Q, U or V. The second letter also cannot be O. The prefixes BG, GB, NK, KN, TN, NT and ZZ are not allocated.

Are there suffix letters on UK National Insurance Numbers?

Yes. A suffix letter is an integral part of all UK National Insurance (NI) numbers. There was an instance some years ago where a batch of numbers were mistakenly issued with the last letter missing. The issue of new numbers was temporarily put on hold, as fraud was suspected.

Why do I need a National Insurance number?

You have a National Insurance number to make sure your National Insurance contributions and tax are recorded against your name only. It’s made up of letters and numbers and never changes.

What does the a at the end of National Insurance number mean?

Does Having an A in Your NINO Mean You Could Be Called for Army Service? No. The letter at the end of your National Insurance number does not place you on any list for conscription to the armed forces. Britain abolished National Service in the 1960s. The last conscripted service personnel finished their terms of duty in 1963.