What is a word for all-encompassing?

What is a word for all-encompassing?

adjectivetotal, all-out. all-encompassing. comprehensive. exhaustive. extensive.

Is covering a verb or adjective?

cover (verb) cover (noun) covered (adjective) covered wagon (noun)

Is Incompasses a word?

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of incompass.

How do you use the word encompassing in a sentence?

Encompassing sentence example

  1. Your answers were all encompassing .
  2. There is also a whole body of work online encompassing twenty years development and production into the urbanity of cities.
  3. That there is an atmosphere, or an orb of gross vaporous air, immediately encompassing the body of the moon.

What is encompassing in culture?

To say that culture is encompassing means that it also includes everyone in society since it is a shared system of meaning and a learned process. It actually encompasses, or includes, all individuals in our society.

Is all-encompassing a adjective?

all–encompassing (adjective)

Does all-encompassing have a hyphen?

Use a hyphen after the following prefixes in most words: “all-“, “cross-“, “ex-“, and “self-” (e.g., “self-service,” “ex-boyfriend,” “all-encompassing”). Most “servo-” words are also hyphenated with the following two exceptions: “servomechanism” and “servomotor.”

What type of noun is covering?

covering used as a noun: That which covers something. Action of the verb to cover.

How do you use encompasses?

to form a circle about; encircle; surround: He built a moat to encompass the castle. to enclose; envelop: The folds of a great cloak encompassed her person. to include comprehensively: a work that encompasses the entire range of the world’s religious beliefs.

What does encompassing stand for?

• ENCOMPASSING (adjective) The adjective ENCOMPASSING has 2 senses: 1. broad in scope or content 2. closely encircling

How many senses does the adjective encompassing have?

The adjective ENCOMPASSING has 2 senses: 1. broad in scope or content Meaning: Broad in scope or content Synonyms: encompassing; blanket; all-inclusive; all-encompassing; all-embracing; across-the-board; broad; extensive; panoptic; wide Context examples:

Is there such a thing as an encompassing form of communication?

His account of signs is an ambitious one, encompassing forms of communication is diverse as language, music and the visual arts. Once more, encompassing tests fail to indicate that the personal expectations model is preferable to its personal retrospective rival or vice versa (data not shown).

What is a broad-based encompassing organization?

He also regards broad-based encompassing organizations as having incentives to generate growth and redistribute incomes to their members with little excess burden. Indeed, they imply that, if anything, social systems should build, rather than dismantle, more consensual and encompassing forms of interest-group representation.