What is another way to say double check?

What is another way to say double check?

What is another word for double-check?

check verify
make sure reassure yourself
confirm make certain
ascertain establish
see check out

Do I need to double check?

If you double-check something, you make certain it is correct or safe, usually by examining it again.

Is Double check grammatically correct?

Double-check is a hyphenated compound word, which is a term composed of two words joined together by a hyphen. Double-check is a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. Note that double-check is correctly rendered with a hyphen, though the term is also seen as two separate words, as in double check.

How do you use double check in a sentence?

I will double-check the facts and write to them both. We will double-check to see whether these provisions are entirely satisfactory. I will double-check my recollection on one of the groups that he mentioned.

How do professionals say double check?

verify, cross-check, ascertain, examine, substantiate.

What is another word for confirm?

Some common synonyms of confirm are authenticate, corroborate, substantiate, validate, and verify.

How do you double check someone?

If we want to double-check, we can ask for clarification. If we want to make sure that someone has understood, you can request confirmation that someone has received the message.

How do you double check work?

Here are some tips for checking your work:

  1. Slow down. Sometimes you just need to slow down.
  2. Practice, practice and practice more.
  3. Create checklists.
  4. Do not proofread until finished.
  5. Sentence by sentence.
  6. Facts, dates, tables and references.
  7. Spellcheck.

Did a double take Meaning?

: a delayed reaction to a surprising or significant situation after an initial failure to notice anything unusual —usually used in the phrase do a double take.

What is it called when someone checks your work?

inspector. noun. an official whose job is to check that things are in the correct condition or that people are doing what they should.