Can we use you in a research paper?

Can we use you in a research paper?

No you should not use the word “you” in a research paper. Most teachers and professionals believe that using the word “you” in an essay type paper is informal. In a research paper one should not use the word “you”. Unless directly asked from the task the paper should not contain a personal statement either.

How do you start an academic sentence?

In summary, a complete sentence has a subject, a verb, and expresses a complete thought. It begins with a capital letter, and ends with an appropriate punctuation (i.e. full stop, question mark or exclamation mark).

Is it OK to begin a sentence with but?

‘Contrary to what your high school English teacher told you, there’s no reason not to begin a sentence with but or and; in fact, these words often make a sentence more forceful and graceful. They are almost always better than beginning with however or additionally.

What can I use instead of but?

Synonyms for butalthough.however.nevertheless.on the other hand.still.though.yet.

What word can be used instead of but?

‘Yet’ can often replace ‘but’ in a sentence without changing anything else, as both are coordinating conjunctions that can introduce a contrast. Alternatively, you could use one of these subordinating conjunctions: Although (e.g. I like Brian May, although I find his hair ridiculous.)

How do you start a new sentence?

Creative Sentence StructuresBegin with a verb ending with -ing. Begin with a verb ending with -ed. Begin with a prepositional phrase. Begin with an adverb. Begin with an adjective. Begin with a phrase that tells when. Begin with a phrase that tells where. Begin with an sound word.