How did Urdnot Wrex die?

How did Urdnot Wrex die?

In the confrontation between Wrex and Shepard, Wrex can be shot and killed either by Ashley or the Commander if no headway is achieved. Otherwise, Wrex grudgingly accepts the point that Saren would only use the cure to enslave the krogan.

Should I let Wrex die?

Should You Kill Wrex in Mass Effect? Commander Shepard should not kill Wrex in Mass Effect as there’s no real reason to unless the player is going for a Renegade run. But quelling him won’t be difficult if players have put 8 points in either Charm or Intimidate.

Who leads the krogan if Wrex dies?

Urdnot Wreav
Krogan Leader Urdnot Wreav is Wrex’s broodbrother, both of them having shared the same mother but born a decade apart. He becomes the leader of Clan Urdnot if Wrex dies on Virmire.

How do I make sure Wrex survives?

The earliest thing you can do is in the conversation with Kaidan and Ashley after Wrex and Captain Kirrahe leave. At the end of the conversation, you can pick “You’re right” or “Be ready” to enable the option to signal Ashley to kill Wrex.

Can you keep Wrex alive me3?

During this mission, it is possible and often likely that Wrex and Mordin die, or that only Mordin dies. With this option, players will not be able to keep Wrex alive, so no matter what, they will be making a difficult decision.

Who replaces Wrex in Citadel DLC?

(Spoilers) what happens in the Citadel DLC if Wrex is dead (since ME1) or if you just betrayed him on Tuchanka with the cure? He is replaced with Vega during the shuttle scene, and isn’t mentioned by anyone in the entire DLC.

Can Wrex survive in ME3?

After the story missions on Virmire are cleared, players can go back to the Citadel and recruit Wrex without issue. Players can go as far as to never hire him in the first game, and his fate will still be the same further in the series. Giving the armor to Wrex will keep him loyal.

Can Wrex be saved?

If you complete the Wrex Family Armor mission prior to going to Virmire, Wrex will trust you as long as you say the following dialog lines when prompted: “I wouldn’t do this otherwise” & “We are.” If you do this right, you can save Wrex without having to worry about your Charm/Intimidate levels.

Should I save the Krogan Mass Effect 3?

There’s no right or wrong answer as to whether the Genophage should be cured. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the turians, and Shepard learns early on that the Shroud was sabotaged to prevent any dispersal of the cure.