How do you use the MAX function in SAS?

How do you use the MAX function in SAS?

The MAX operator (<>) returns the largest of two operands. The MAX function returns a null or missing value only if all arguments are null or missing. The MAX operator (<>) returns a null or missing value only if both operands are null or missing.

How do you calculate Max in SAS?

The easiest method to find the maximum value per group in SAS is with PROC SQL. Use the MAX function and the GROUP BY statement to calculate the maximum value of a group in SAS. With the GROUP BY statement, you define the variable(s) that will define your groups.

What is Max in SAS?

The MAX function returns a missing value (.) only if all arguments are missing. The MAX operator (<>) returns a missing value only if both operands are missing. In this case, it returns the value of the operand that is higher in the sort order for missing values.

How do you write a max function?


  1. =MAX(number1, [number2], …)
  2. Number1 and number2 are the arguments used for the function, where Number1 is required and the subsequent values are optional.

How do you find second highest in SAS?

Use data step to get the second highest salary from the Employee table. For example, given the above Employee table, the query should return 200 as the second highest salary. If there is no second highest salary, then the query should return null .

What is Max function give few examples?

The MAX function can be used to return the largest value from any type of numeric data. For example, MAX can return the slowest time in a race, the latest date, the largest percentage, the highest temperature, or the top sales number. The MAX function takes multiple arguments in the form number1, number2, number3, etc.

What is Max formula?

The Excel MAX Formula is used to find out the maximum value from a given set of data/ array. MAX function in Excel returns the highest value from a given set of numeric values. Excel MAX formula will count numbers but ignore empty cells, text, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values. Excel MAX formula.

What is Intnx function in SAS?

The INTNX function increments a date, time, or datetime value by intervals such as DAY, WEEK, QTR, and MINUTE, or a custom interval that you define. The INTNX function returns the SAS date value for the beginning date, time, or datetime value of the interval that you specify in the start–from argument.

What does Intnx mean in SAS?

The INTNX function is a SAS date time function that returns a SAS date value by adding a specific number of increments to an initial start date for example, add one week to today to return the date for next week.

How do you find the nth highest salary in SAS?

Re: How to find the Nth largest salary from a sas dataset using Proc SQL. proc sort data=have; by descending salary; run; data want; set have; if _n_ = number_you_want then do; output; stop; end; run; Absolutely no need for SQL.