How fast does Juniperus chinensis Torulosa grow?

How fast does Juniperus chinensis Torulosa grow?

It may grow to 15 feet tall in 15 years, perhaps leaning to one side in a picturesque manner.

How big does a juniper tree get?

6 inches to 130 feet tall
Depending on the species you choose, junipers can have an upright, spreading, or weeping habit, and can range in size from 6 inches to 130 feet tall and a spread range from 1 to 25 feet. Tall varieties with thick foliage can make great windbreaks.

How tall does a common juniper tree grow?

2-50′ tall
They range from a tall, tree-like form that can reach up to 50 feet tall, to a short shrub with a spreading growth habit that rarely grows more than 5 feet in height….Common juniper might be the most widely distributed tree in the world.

Botanical Name Juniperus communis
Mature Size 2-50′ tall
Sun Exposure Full sun

How fast does a blue juniper tree grow?

The Blue Point Juniper has proved its worth for the last 50 years, and it remains the number-one choice, with foliage of a striking silver-blue color all year round. It grows steadily, adding 6 to 12 inches each year, and reaching 10 to 12 feet in just 10 years.

Are junipers fast growing?

How Fast Do Junipers Grow. The growth rate of Junipers varies, but these plants tend to grow at a slow or moderate rate. Most shrub and groundcover junipers grow 4 to 8 inches per year.

How tall is a 5 gallon blue juniper?

15 to 20 Ft.
This medium-sized juniper features a pyramidal growth habit with extremely dense branching and beautiful blue-green Foliage. It is a moderate grower, reaching a height of 15 to 20 Ft. with a 10 Ft. spread.

How tall are blue junipers?

Blue Star Juniper Plant Profile

Botanical Name Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’
Mature Size 1 to 3 feet tall, 1.5 to 3 feet wide
Sun Exposure Full sun
Soil Type Sandy
Soil pH 7 to 7.5