What are the health and safety issues in ICT?

What are the health and safety issues in ICT?

Health problems Key Words: RSI, Back Strain, Eye Strain, Headaches, Health Problems, Ergonomics
# There are a number of health problems that you can suffer if you use ICT devices incorrectly or for too long. The main ones are: Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Back and Neck Strain Eye Strain and Headaches

What are health hazards in ICT tools?

Find the health problems commonly associated with computer use and other ICT tools….Some of the long-term health effects are:

  • Headaches and tiredness. Using the mobile phone for hours can be very stressful and may lead to mild or severe headaches.
  • Creates joint pain.
  • Mobile phone battery explosion.
  • Induced ringing!

    What are the online Safety rules?

    Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online

    • Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
    • Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
    • Practice Safe Browsing.
    • Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
    • Be Careful What You Download.
    • Choose Strong Passwords.
    • Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
    • Be Careful What You Post.

    What is ICT Safety?

    Health and Safety in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is mostly about understanding how to work safely with computers and environments with lots of technology equipment. Further hazards can include cyber bullying and identity theft, which can lead to stress and ill health in some cases.

    Are there any health issues associated with ICT?

    Be able to describe safety issues related to using computers and measures for preventing accidents. There are a number of health problems that you can suffer if you use ICT devices incorrectly or for too long. The main ones are: RSI causes painful swelling of the wrist and fingers. Sufferers with really bad RSI are unable to use their hands at all.

    Are there any health risks to working on a computer?

    ICT has changed our lives greatly in recent years. We can communicate easily and shop online but we need to be aware of potential health risks with computers. Working at a computer for long periods of time carries certain health risks.

    Why are ICT devices considered a potential hazard?

    ICT devices with wires can make a room a potential hazard. Trailing wires are easy to trip over if they are not secured or tucked away. Heavy equipment falling on you Some ICT devices (like computer screens) are fairly heavy and can cause injury if they fall on you.

    How to deal with health and safety issues?

    1. Ask the group to perform the exercise of identifying potential health and safety issues. 2. Ask the group to suggest possible resolutions to these issues. 3. If in a computer lab, suggest that the group adjust the workstation they are sitting at appropriately for their use. 4.