What are the procedures for dealing with emergencies in a salon?

What are the procedures for dealing with emergencies in a salon?

Emergency procedures

  • raising the alarm and informing the public.
  • onsite emergency response, ie use of fire extinguishers.
  • summoning the emergency services and continuing to liaise with them.
  • crowd management, including evacuation, where necessary.
  • evacuation of people with disabilities.

What is the procedure in case of an emergency?

Act in accordance with directions given by emergency control personnel and evacuate the building immediately. Assist with the general evacuation if directed to do so by emergency control personnel. Assist with the evacuation of disabled occupants. In a fire, do not use a lift to evacuate a building.

Who is responsible for emergency situations in the salon?

As a salon owner, a self-employed hairdresser or manager you have a responsibility, under Report of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), to report any of the following incidents: A ‘specified injury’ such as chemical burns to the eyes (see the injury list on the HSE website)

What to do in the event of an emergency in the workplace?

How to deal with an emergency situation

  • Raise the alarm.
  • Inform the public of the emergency.
  • Utilise on-site emergency response (i.e, use of fire extinguishers, etc.
  • Summon the emergency services (i.e., call 999 or 112)
  • Crowd management, including evacuation, where necessary.
  • Evacuate people with disabilities.

What should a emergency plan include?

Be Prepared: The 7 Components of an Emergency Plan

  • Planning – Work through many emergency scenarios.
  • Training –
  • Drills –
  • Education –
  • Technology –
  • Coordination –
  • Communication –

    What is the first thing you do in case of an emergency?

    First Things to Do in Any Emergency Decide whether it is safer to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Once safely evacuated or sheltered-in-place, call for help using 911 and clearly explain what you know about the situation. Provide first aid for any injured people. Move any people who are injured away from further danger.

    What are safe and hygienic working practices in a salon?


    • Keep all containers labeled and covered.
    • Wash your own hands thoroughly before and after each treatment or spray your hands with antibacterial disinfectant.
    • Use clean and sterile towels for each client.
    • Implements and tools must be sterilized the following way:
    • Wash implements in hot soapy water.

    What are good working practices in the salon?

    Simple practices such as ensuring hands are clean and uniforms are free of any nail shavings or hair are all basic things to help your salon stay hygienic. Keeping on top of salon hygiene isn’t tasking and is a serious practice to ensure that your salon complies with the necessary regulations.

    Are there any emergency procedures in a beauty salon?

    There are several different hazards that can occur in beauty salons, ranging from slips and falls to chemical burns and other emergencies. In order to ensure the safety of both employees and clients, it is important for all salons to establish emergency procedures and train employees to prepare for any and all issues.

    What are the emergency procedures in the workplace?

    Emergency Procedures All employers are obligated to ensure staff are trained in workplace emergency procedures. This may include what to do in case of a fire, earthquake, or other emergency; identifying locations of emergency exits; and processes to follow to evacuate the building in the case of an emergency.

    How to follow health and safety in a salon?

    hrough this unit you will develop the skills to work hygienically and safely within a salon environment. You will follow health and safety procedures and know how to ensure both yourself and any visitors remain safe at all times. You will know the procedure for reporting any accidents or incidents. You will know what a first aid kit should contain.

    What should be included in an emergency spill control procedure?

    The procedure should describe how to: Tackle a fire or control spills and leaks (when it is safe to do so); Evacuate the site, and if necessary nearby premises. Evacuation of areas in the event of fire or toxic gas emission should be addressed in an emergency evacuation procedure.