What does Oase stand for?

What does Oase stand for?


Acronym Definition
OASE Open Access to Scientific Literature
OASE Open Aanbod Software Expertise (Dutch: Open Offer Software Expertise; open source project; Netherlands)
OASE Oregon Association of School Executives (Salem, OR)

What is oasis give example?

The definition of an oasis is a fertile place where there is water in the midst of a desert or a place of calm in the midst of chaos. An example of an oasis is an underground spring in a desert. An example of an oasis is a calm and peaceful room in the midst of a chaotic house.

How would you describe an oasis?

An oasis is often described as a place of comfort amidst difficulties. In a dry, arid region like a desert biome, it is an area that is fertile in a way that seems unlikely or impossible. This geographic term refers to a patch of green growing plants and/or water in an otherwise harsh and parched climate.

What is fertile in science?

Scientific definitions for fertile Capable of producing offspring, seeds, or fruit. Capable of developing into a complete organism; fertilized. Capable of supporting plant life; favorable to the growth of crops and plants.

What is fertile in biology?

(Science: biology) The capacity to conceive or induce conception and thus generate offspring. The state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring.

What is an oasis short answer?

An oasis is an area made fertile by a source of freshwater in an otherwise dry and arid region. Oases (more than one oasis) are irrigated by natural springs or other underground water sources. 9 – 12+ Earth Science, Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography.

What is an oasis Class 5?

An oasis is a place in a desert where water comes up to the surface from deep underground. Oases (plural of oasis) form when the wind cuts out deep channels in low-lying areas of the desert and uncovers underground water that fell as rain long ago.

What is oasis medical term?

The Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) is the patient-specific, standardized assessment used in Medicare home health care to plan care, determine reimbursement, and measure quality.

What is an oasis in Brainly?

Answer: An oasis is a place in desert where water comes up to surface from deep under gourd oasis from when the wind cuts out deep channels in low lying areas of the desert and uncovers under ground water that fell as rain along ago. tramwayniceix and 3 more users found this answer helpful.

What is fertility and examples?

It has to do with life, or being able to create life. For example, soil can be fertile. Plants grow better in soil that is fertile. The word fertility can also apply to people. In this case, fertility means the number of kids that are born.