What is a better word for confused?

What is a better word for confused?

What is another word for confused?

bewildered bemused
mystified perplexed
puzzled baffled
stumped stupefied
astounded befuddled

How do you use confuse?

Use “confuse” in a sentence | “confuse” sentence examples

  1. We tried to confuse the enemy.
  2. I often confuse you and your brother.
  3. People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.
  4. I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike.
  5. I always confuse you with your sister – you look so alike.

Are confuse or confused?

“Confuse” is the present tense as in “things confuse me at present” or the infinitive “to confuse” like “he said that in order to confuse me”. “Confused” is the past tense as in “I used to be confused” or the “the word used to confuse me last year”, or “I was confused before” or “what he said yesterday confused me”.

What’s confusing you meaning?

to cause someone to feel uncertain or unclear, or to make something difficult to understand: You’re confusing me – please repeat the directions more slowly. Someone who confuses one thing with another thinks the first thing is the second: You’re confusing me with my sister – she’s the one who moved to Colorado.

What is another word for mixed feelings?

What is another word for mixed feelings?

equivocal undecided
ambivalent indecisive
conflicted unsure
uncommitted non-committal
mixed emotions uncertain

Will confuse in a sentence?

I often confuse you and your brother. 3. Don’t confuse the issue.

How is confuse used in a sentence?

Everyone confuses me for my sister because we look so much alike. Some of the questions on the test were really confusing for me. Some of the questions on the test really confused me.

What to do when he is confused?


  1. Give him time. If he had already made up his mind about calling it quits, you would know. But, if you think that this is a phase (which is probably is), then give it time.
  2. Give him space. Give him space to streamline his thoughts, and give him space to miss you.
  3. Give him reassurance.

What does I am confused mean?

“I am confused” means “I do not understand.” From The Free Dictionary: confused [kənˈfjuːzd] adj. feeling or exhibiting an inability to understand; bewildered; perplexed.

How do you confuse someone?

11 Awesome Mind Tricks You Can Use To Confuse People

  1. When high-fiving look at the opposite person’s elbow, that way you would never miss.
  2. If you want to make someone believe a false story, repeat it three times separately.
  3. When you’re arguing with someone, try being calmer than them.

How do you use Confuse in a sentence?

make unclear, indistinct, or blurred.

  1. We tried to confuse the enemy.
  2. I often confuse you and your brother.
  3. People tend to confuse bad decisions with bad luck.
  4. Don’t confuse the issue.
  5. I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike.
  6. His comments only served to confuse the issue further.

What’s a word for not thinking?

If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through.

What is mixed feelings mean?

If you have mixed feelings about something, you feel both pleased and not pleased about it at the same time: I had mixed feelings about leaving home. I was excited but at the same time, I knew I would miss my family.

What are mixed emotions?

In mixed emotions, a person can feel sad and happy at the same time. These feelings tend to be contradictory. Students graduating from college tend to feel both happy and sad. Historically, philosophers have assumed that mixed emotions are derived from primary emotions.

What is the noun of confuse?

confuse is a verb, confusion is a noun, confused and confusing are adjectives:All those numbers just confused me. The airport was a scene of confusion.

What is a sentence for absorb?

Examples of absorb in a Sentence He has retained the values that he absorbed as a young man. a country that has absorbed many immigrants smaller countries invaded and absorbed by bigger ones His interest in photography absorbs him completely. I was so absorbed by her story that I lost track of time.