What is a feeble minded person?

What is a feeble minded person?

Definition of feebleminded 1 dated, offensive : impaired in intellectual ability : affected with intellectual disability.

What is Feeblemindedness theory?

“Feeblemindedness” was a term that first emerged in the mid-nineteenth century in the United States to describe individuals exhibiting a lack of productivity or other behaviours viewed as “backward.” The term was also utilized in the immigration and aboriginal discourses in Canada and the United States (see Richardson …

Is feeble mindedness a disease?

The fact that feeble-mindedness is the result of pathological conditions of the brain, either gross lesions caused by faulty development or by the destructive results of disease, or perhaps numerical deficiency or imperfect evolution of the ultimate cortical cells, makes it obvious that the resulting mental defect is …

What does it mean to be labeled feeble minded?

adjective. lacking the normal mental powers. Medicine/Medical. (no longer in technical use) mentally deficient. stupid or foolish; not sensible: feeble-minded remarks.

What does the word feeble?

Definition of feeble 1a : markedly lacking in strength a feeble old man. b : indicating weakness taking only feeble steps. 2a : deficient in qualities or resources that indicate vigor, authority, force, or efficiency a feeble argument cities are growing uncreative and feeble— Jane Jacobs.

What is the synonym of feeble?

Some common synonyms of feeble are decrepit, fragile, frail, infirm, and weak.

Who is the mother of criminals?

ADA JUKE is known to anthropologists as the “mother of criminals.” From her there were directly descended one thousand two hundred persons. Of these, one thousand were criminals, paupers, inebriates, insane, or on the streets.

Is Feeblemindedness hereditary?

The American psychologist Henry H. Goddard was known for strongly postulating that “feeble-mindedness” was a hereditary trait, most likely caused by a single recessive gene.

What did feeble minded mean in 1911?

Feeble minded would be someone who was considered “slow” or a bit stupid it took over from the “stronger” term idiot in 1911. Lunatic would be someone who was affected at only certain times of the month rather than all the time. An imbecile is someone who is affected later in life.

What was the feeble minded club?

At that time, Johnstone was the principal and head of the New Jersey Training School for Feeble-Minded Children at Vineland, hereafter the Training School at Vineland. Goddard and Hall continued to exchange ideas with Johnstone and formed a group to study mental deficiencies, called the Feebleminded Club.

Why is our sense feeble?

Explanation: physically weak, as from age or sickness; frail.