What is input locale?

What is input locale?

The input locale (also called input language) is a per-process setting that describes an input language (for example, Greek) and an input method (for example, the keyboard). Multiple input locales can be installed, and the user can switch between them.

What is UserLocale?

UserLocale specifies the per-user settings used for formatting dates, times, currency, and numbers in a Windows installation. Users can change this value on a running Windows installation by using the Administrative pane in the Region and Language Control Panel.

What is SystemLocale?

SystemLocale specifies the default language to use for non-Unicode programs. This setting is used by both Windows Setup and Windows Deployment Services. The system locale specifies which bitmap fonts and code pages (for example, ANSI or DOS) are used on the system by default.

How else can an answer file be used?

Answer files (or Unattend files) can be used to modify Windows settings in your images during Setup. You can also create settings that trigger scripts in your images that run after the first user creates their account and picks their default language.

How do I find the locale of a website?

Detecting a User’s Locale in a Web App

  1. Client-side: The navigator.languages Object.
  2. Server-Side: The Accept-Language HTTP Header.
  3. Server-side: Geolocation by IP Address. Using MaxMind for Geolocation. Peter Kahl’s Country-to-Locale Package. The IP Address Locale Detector Class.
  4. Server-side: Cascading Locale Detection.

What happens if I change system locale?

The system locale controls the language used when displaying text on programs that do not support Unicode. Changing the system locale will not affect the language in menus and dialog boxes for Windows or other programs that do use Unicode.

What is inputlocale in Linux?

InputLocale specifies the input language and the method for input devices, such as the keyboard layout. The input locale (also called input language) is a per-process setting that describes an input language (for example, Greek) and an input method (for example, the keyboard).

How do I use the default input locale for a language?

To use the default input locale for a language, specify the language identifier. For example, to use the default keyboard for English (United States) that corresponds with the QWERTY keyboard, you can specify the value en-US. Specify the locale ID and keyboard layout hexadecimal values. For example, for en-US, use 0409:00000409.

What are input profiles and input locales?

Input profiles (or input locales) describe the language of the input entered, and the keyboard on which it is being entered. When the first user logs into Windows and identifies their region, Windows sets the input profiles.

What is the difference between en-GB and en-UK?

They are already defined. So “en-gb” is British English, whereas “en-us” is American English. If you use “en-uk”, you are just making up a code. As to why the official code is “en-gb” and not “en-uk”, I think basically because there is no such thing as United Kingdom English. The language variant is British.