What percentage of my essay should be the introduction?

What percentage of my essay should be the introduction?

approximately 10%

What is the difference between introduction and background of the study?

What Makes the Introduction Different from the Background? First, the introduction contains preliminary data about your topic that the reader will most likely read. Secondly, the background of your study discusses in depth about the topic, whereas the introduction only gives an overview.

What are the characteristics of a good title?

Definition. The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of your research paper. The title is without doubt the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first.

What must be discussed in the background introduction?

Background information in your Introduction should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address.