What vampire is Jerry Dandridge?

What vampire is Jerry Dandridge?

Jerry Dandrige
Species Vampire
Gender Male
Spouse Gabriella Dandridge
Relatives Regine Dandridge (sister)

Why does Jerry Dandridge eat apples?

Basically, he played one character for 8 or 10 films, for which he probably got paid next to nothing. It was Chris Sarandon’s idea to have Jerry eating apples throughout the film. While researching vampire lore, Sarandon looked at information about bats and concluded, “Jerry had a lot of fruit bat in his DNA.”

How old is Jerry in Fright Night?

400+ Years
Jerry Dandrige (remake)

Jerry Dandrige
Role Primary Villain
Gender Male
Age 400+ Years
Race Vampire

Will there be a Fright Night 3?

Charley and Amy will return in a new book and movie being planned by original Fright Night creator Tom Holland.

How did Jerry become a vampire?

Jerry realizes at least two people are aware he is a vampire after stepping on the broken shards of the mirror that Peter dropped. Later that night, Jerry kidnaps Amy at a night club and turns Evil Ed into a vampire after stalking him in an alley. He and Peter find his house after Evil Ed is seemingly killed by Peter.

Is Billy Cole a vampire?

Trivia. It was not known what Billy actually was: He was not a vampire (As evidenced by the fact that he was perfectly capable of being out in the sunlight), but possessed superhuman strength and survived gunshots.

How old is Chris Sarandon?

79 years (July 24, 1942)
Chris Sarandon/Age

Is Vincent Price in Fright Night?

Vincent Price loved Fright Night. And the actor was well aware that McDowall’s character was based on him. “I was a little bit embarrassed by it,” Holland admitted. “He said it was wonderful and he thought Roddy did a wonderful job. Thank God he didn’t ask why he wasn’t cast in it.”

How old is Amy Fright Night?


Amy Peterson
Age 16
Race Human
Status {{{status}}}
Appearances Fright Night

Where is fright night filmed?

Fright Night began filming in Los Angeles at the end of 1984 and continued into the early part of 1985, but Holland never wanted the setting to appear as L.A. “It wouldn’t have felt right,” says Holland. “Too sophisticated.

How old is Dandridge?

In the 2011 remake, the plot was relatively the same as the original, though with a few differences: Jerry was at least 400 years old rather than 1,000, did not have the ability to transform, and was also not served by anyone, so Billy Cole made no appearance.

What was Jerry Dandridge roommate?

Billy Cole
Billy Cole was Jerry Dandrige’s live-in carpenter and daylight protector….

Billy Cole
Played by Jonathan Stark

What happened to Jerry Dandridge’s girlfriend Amy?

Jerry Dandridge was in love with a woman who looked like Amy a long time ago. He has a painting of her in his house. What became of the woman he loved long ago remains unknown. Jerry first saw Amy when Charley, Evil, Peter and her went to Jerry’s house.

What is Jerry Dandridge’s true name?

Jerry Dandridge was an ancient vampire from Romania. His true name is unknown. He terrorized Charley Brewster shortly before his death in retaliation for Charley’s attempts at exposing him.

Who was Charley Brewster’s girlfriend Amy Peterson?

Amy Peterson was a resident of Rancho Corvalis, Iowa. She attended Christopher L. Cushing High School and became Charley Brewster’s wholesome girlfriend, tolerating his love for horror films and frequently denying him of sexual intimacy. She didn’t believe Charley when he claimed that his neighbor, Jerry Dandrige, was a vampire.

How does Jerry try to seduce Amy again?

She notices a painting of a woman who looks just like her. Jerry said to her “she’s someone I knew, a long time ago”. This time Jerry tries to seduce Amy by having sex with her, however, Amy is nervous so Jerry hypnotizes Amy again, and then Amy starts to kiss him back.