Where do you use proc means over proc freq?

Where do you use proc means over proc freq?

PROC MEANS is used to calculate summary statistics such as mean, count etc of numeric variables. It requires at least one numeric variable whereas Proc Freq does not have such limitation. In other words, if you have only one character variable to analyse, PROC FREQ is your friend and procedure to use.

What is frequency missing in SAS?

When the value of the WEIGHT variable is missing, PROC FREQ does not include that observation in the analysis. The NMISS option in the OUTPUT statement provides an output data set variable that contains the missing value frequency. …

How do I export a SAS code?

Exporting Data or Code Files as a Step in a Project

  1. Overview.
  2. Step 1: Select the Files to Export.
  3. Step 2: (Optional) Select the Output File Type.
  4. Step 3: (Optional) Modify the Output File Options.
  5. Step 4: Specify the Name and Location of the Output File.
  6. Step 5: (Optional) Preview the Code to Export.

What type of variables are best analyzed in SAS using PROC FREQ?

The PROC FREQ is one of the most frequently used SAS procedures which helps to summarize categorical variable. It calculates count/frequency and cumulative frequency of categories of a categorical variable.

What is Proc tabulate in SAS?

| SAS FAQ. Proc tabulate is predominately used to make nice looking tables. Unlike proc freq this procedure can handle multiple variables in the row and column expressions. It can also handle multiple levels in both rows and columns whereas proc freq will only create two variable contingency tables.

What is a SAS INPUT statement?

A SAS Program consists of a series of SAS statements which are used to define, read in, manipulate, and analyze data. Almost all SAS statements begin with a SAS keyword (except assignment statements), e.g. data, set, proc, infile, input, etc. All SAS statement has to end with a ; (semicolon).

What is SAS syntax?

SAS syntax is the set of rules that dictate how your program must be written in order for SAS to understand it. There are some conventions of SAS syntax that new users should know before getting started.