Which type of source is not typically included in a literature review?

Which type of source is not typically included in a literature review?

“Non-scholarly” sources, i.e., those you don’t want to reference, include but are not limited to magazines, newspapers, web sites, and non-published material. The Lit Review does not have to be exhaustive; the objective is not to list as many relevant books, articles, and reports as possible.

Why is a literature review not considered primary research?

A primary research article reports on the details and results of a research study. For example, a literature review provides commentary and analysis of research done by other people, but it does not report the results of the author’s own study and is not primary research.

How would you know if an article can be included in your literature review?

The literature review section of an article is a summary or analysis of all the research the author read before doing his/her own research. This section may be part of the introduction or in a section called Background.

Is a literature review secondary data?

Differences between the Literature Review and Secondary Data The literature review is the detailed summary of previous study that was conducted on a given topic whereas secondary research is the use of already existing data as a method or inquiry.

What is a secondary literature review?

Secondary literature consists of interpretations and evaluations that are derived from or refer to the primary source literature. Examples include review articles (such as meta-analysis and systematic reviews) and reference works.