What is the message of the Deposition by Michelangelo?

What is the message of the Deposition by Michelangelo?

The sculpture, on which Michelangelo worked between 1547 and 1555, depicts four figures: the dead body of Jesus Christ, newly taken down from the Cross, Nicodemus (or possibly Joseph of Arimathea), Mary Magdalene and the Virgin Mary.

What does Nicodemite mean in english?

: a secret follower or adherent specifically : a 16th century Protestant Christian who lived in a Roman Catholic country and escaped persecution by concealing his or her Protestantism.

Where is the deposition by Michelangelo?

Museum of Opera of Saint Maria of Fiore
The Deposition/Locations

What was reformation in what ways do you think it impacted art?

Reformation art embraced Protestant values , although the amount of religious art produced in Protestant countries was hugely reduced. Instead, many artists in Protestant countries diversified into secular forms of art like history painting , landscapes, portraiture, and still life .

Why was the deposition created?

Michelangelo worked on The Deposition intermittently for seven years. He carved it for his family tomb as a fitting memorial for himself and the family he loved so well.

Did Michelangelo paint the Duomo?

Michelangelo, who was just 26 years old in 1501, fell in love with it and was allowed by the Opera to complete it. He carved it in one of the courtyards of the Opera, where today is the Cathedral Museum. What a wonder would be to admire the young genius at work on that colossus!

Who are three important artists of the Reformation?

Protestant Art of the 16th-Century In Germany, most of the leading artists like Martin Schongauer (c. 1440-91), Matthias Grunewald (1470-1528), Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538), Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1545) and others, were either deceased or in their final years.

What did Protestant artists depict in their art?

Unlike Catholic artists, who depicted solely religious themes in their works, Protestant artists chose to depict more secular themes.

Who was the deposition painted for?

The Deposition/Artists

Who did Michelangelo base Jesus on?

Pietà (Michelangelo)

Subject Jesus and Mary, Mother of Jesus
Dimensions 174 cm × 195 cm (68.5 in × 76.8 in)
Location St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
41°54′8″N 12°27′12″E